Tuesday, June 2, 2009

there is a first for everything

Ok so I am new to the blogging thing, my sister has been doin it for a little while now, it seems to be theraputic in a way, so here we go!

I am 25 years old, a mommy to a blessing my hubby and i wished, hoped, prayed and cried for. His name is Nathan James, he was born September 29, 06. He is the true love of my life. Being a parent is something we wanted so bad, n finally it happened. I describe being a mommy as, a job with no vacation time, no pay, but the benefits are awesome. He amazes me on a daily basis. There is literally never a dull moment!

I am married to my high school sweet heart. Levi and I have been together 9 years this july. He is a soldier, I remember thinkin in high school the thought of basic training and Ait were unbearable. And it was, until the first deployment in April of 2003. That was something I never thought we would go through. And at the time I thought how the hell am I goin be strong enough to make it thought this, not only was it hard not bein with levi everyday. but to not know when I was goin here from him again, literally made me sick to my stomach. Then he came home safe, was home bout 6 mos and deployed again for a second tour in iraq. This deployment was almost worse in away cuz i knew what to expect. And again that year went by and he came home safe to me n our fam.
The one thing levi and I wanted more then anything in the world was to be parents. And God anwsered our prayers and blessed us with nathan james. After years of tryin, and being diagnosed with pcos n then endimitriosis, gettin pregnant wasnt goin be easy. My docs had me medicated with clomid right before he arrived home from the second deployment. And we concieved bout 3 days after he arrived home. He was there for the whole pregnancy, and the birth of our baby boy. Nathan was 5 months old when he daddy had to go be brave again. This deployment was our 3rd in bout 5 years. And wouldn't u know it was a 15 month.
We have been blessed, with Levis safe return all three times, and here we are 2 weeks away from the 4th deployment. Part of me wonders why us, all these deployments in short amount of time. the other part of me knows better then to ask questions and is ready to put my game face on again!

Levi again have been tryin to conceive for about 10 mos again, n no luck. This month we are goin to do our first round of IVF I have to say I am nervous, scared, and cautiously optimistic at the same time. But with a wonderful family n amazing friends we have the support n love that we need to make it though this and any other obstacle that gets thrown our way! please keep us in your prayers... thats enough blabbing for now. lol hope i didnt bore anyone.. nini

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