Monday, August 3, 2009

another day done

so these last few weeks have been tryin to say the least. A toddler bout to turn three, a prego mom n daddy deployed (bein brave as nathan wil ltell u) and two dogs.. its much on the plate. Nathan is a great n very intellegent kid, but he is a totally different child when it is just him and I. He hits me n yells at me all the time. The thing I have take the most pride in is my family. But I am at my whitts end really dont know what else I can do Itry time out, a try ignorin him when he throws fits, I try talkin to him calmly n hate to admit but I have caught myself yellin back. I am just really at a stand still. And while I am being spread in soo many directions bein a mom is my number one priority. Ineed help so advice? anything will be great! on another note, went to the doc today n baby is doin well. The concensis is its a girl but we shall see. The heart beat was good n got to hear it for the first time today! Talked to the hubby this am. He is well just lookin forward to this deployment bein over, still got a few more months. I guess I should go wanna do some scrapbookin.

1 comment:

  1. Could you pass this message on to your sister? I have tried commenting on her blog, but it seems to reject it. I think she's been playing around with the settings and made a mistake somewhere. No wonder no-one wants to hire her, lol :)

    Anyway, the message is a response to her blog written on Sunday, October 25, 2009 named 'Lovers and Haters':

    What necessary purpose do you believe your blog serves? What would be different if your blog did not exist? 80-someodd (?) people might be slightly more productive in their day, but I don't think any blog is necessary.

    Anyway, you have given me the challenge of finding you a job and I am pleased to announce that I have managed to secure you an interview. I am surprised you have had difficulty, as I found it remarkably simple. Perhaps you aren't trying hard enough.

    The first job is as a Housekeeper. Please contact Shawna Evanger on I have sent her an email explaining your position and included your blog url as a character reference.

    The second is at;_ylt=AsUkHWZoQC_Px_MHsTsrNev6Q6IX?source=SRP. Only apply if you have your own black ski trousers.

    If there is anything else I can help you with, please feel free to ask. I understand these things must be tough for you, but I certainly don't hate you (which you state).
